Meet “traptox”

What is it? How does it work? Why is it trending? And why do you need it?

So maybe you were zombie scrolling on TikTok and came across “traptox” and stopped because, well what is that? (New places to put Botox are always an interesting topic). Well, you aren’t alone. Trap Botox is trending and it’s something you’ll want to learn more about. And that’s where I, Danielle Smith, Aesthetic Nurse Practitioner and Miami botox and filler specialist at smith & co., come in. 

Traptox is taking a neurotoxin and injecting it in your trapezius muscles, the area at the tops of your shoulders. By putting Botox here, it adds a slimming effect to the muscles in that area, giving you an elongated neck and reducing the appearance of a hunch. The trapezius muscle is a flat, triangle-shaped muscle that often is associated with back and neck pain. If overused, it can become inflamed and enlarged. Poor posture, lifting weights —it all plays a part in what your traps look like. 

If you’re ready to go down the rabbit hole, just type “trap Botox” in the search bar on TikTok and prepare to get educated. There’s some 2.6 million views from the hashtag. And tons of before and after videos.

So who is a good candidate for traptox? Anyone who feels their neck needs a slimming effect or feels lots of tension in that area. It’s even said to help with your posture, allowing you to sit up straighter. Whether it’s for vanity purposes or relief, trap Botox is making a name for itself. One crowd in particular is really taking hold of the trend: brides looking to accentuate their neck and shoulders. While the slimming effect takes time, with proper dosing, leaner and longer-looking shoulders are definitely a result of traptox. 

Once injected with traptox, you’ll start to feel the release in the area about a week after the injection. Keep in mind, the slimming effect may take a bit longer. The effect will last anywhere from 3 to 4 months and typically takes 20 to 50 units per side, ranging from $500 to $1100.

If you’re interested in traptox (outside of TikTok and in real life), I, Danielle Smith, Aesthetic Nurse Practitioner and Miami botox and filler specialist at smith & co., can help. Schedule a consultation with me to discuss all the different things Botox can do for you. Reach out by calling 305-393-2311 or contacting me here online. I’m also happy to answer any questions you may have via DM on Instagram at smithand_co. And be sure to follow along to see my before and after shots.